Here's a new tune. Jim wrote this one on his hospital ward on some Kanye 'Through The Wire'-style inspiration and we recorded it last week. I'm quite proud of the production, there's a lot going on, get the cans out. Click the arrow on the right of the player to download the mp3.
Greetings. It's been a while. For those that know Jim he's home and feeling good. We started these two tracks in April and finished them yesterday. Skateboard pt. 2 is about feeling good about what you have without wanting more (Johnathon Ross drove past in a ridiculous red sports car while we were recording the vocals yesterday. He was smoking a giant cigar and listening to that whistling song from Kill Bill really loud. He wouldn't have understood the sentiment). I think Jim wrote the lyrics to Elite/Corrigans in some kind of psychic vision of his own future. Check out the four part harmony in the middle, gets me every time.
Click on the down arrow on the right side of the players to download mp3s of the tracks.